Sodien saku fresh acc 07, izgaju waterfall quest. kadas metodes for monet un kadus labus questus iziet early?
roltons12 miniblogs
- +2
Izej sākumā visus nepieciešamos kvestus.
Galvenokārt visus f2p, cik vari.
Izej Varrock Museum ekskursiju, dabūsi free Hunter xp (9 lvl no 0)
Animal Magnetism - dabūsi ava akumolātoru.
Fishing Contest - varēsi apiet pa pazemi WWM
Priest in Peril - lai tiktu uz Canifis teritoriju.
Ghosts Ahoy - Ectophial (teleportacija uz Port Phasmatys).
Gertrude's Cat - dabūsi kaķi, kas vēlāk noderēs citūr.
Druidic Ritual - lai sāktu Herblore
The Grand Tree - Glider transports
Tree Gnome Village - Spirit tree transports - 0
The Restless Ghost - 125xp Prayer
Waterfall - 13,750xp Attack, Strength
Witch's House - 6,325xp Hitpoints
Recruitment Drive - 1000xp Herblore, Prayer, Agility
Merlin's Crystal - Excalibur (Equivalent to adamant)
Holy Grail - 15,300xp Defence, 11,000xp Prayer
Tree Gnome Village - 11,450xp Attack
The Grand Tree - 18,400xp Attack, 2,150xp Magic, 7,900xp Agility
Fight Arena - 12,175xp Attack, 2,175xp Thieving
Monkey Madness - 35,000xp Attack, Defence, 20,000xp Strength, Hitpoints (The xp rewards are switchable)
Sea Slug - 7,000xp Fishing (No fishing requirement)
Scorpion Catcher - 6,000xp Strength
Tourist Trap - 9,000xp Agility
Monk's Friend - 2,000xp Woodcutting
Horror From The Deep - 4,662xp Mage, Range, Strength
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