Avril Lavigne miniblogs

  • Avril Lavigne

    Kādu laicinu atpakaļ bija kkāds site ar to, ka var mēģināt noņemt ban, es aizsūtīju, un tagad atnāca šitais- Hi Nsq,

    You're receiving this email as you've recently appealed a ban on the account with the login name: zezima

    After a comprehensive review of this account, there is no evidence to suggest the ban was applied in error and normally would not return this account to play.

    However we recognise that people change and as significant time has passed, in this extremely rare case we believe you may have learned from your previous mistakes so would like to offer you one, final opportunity to continue playing this account, on the understanding that you read, understand, and follow the RuneScape rules.

    As described in our terms and conditions the account creator is responsible for the account's behaviour, and we will apply any future penalties no matter who is playing at that time. Extenuating circumstances will not lead to the removal of a penalty, so to avoid any doubt we strongly advise you follow our guides on account security to prevent this from happening.

    If you already have access to the account you can continue playing as normal.



    kā jau parasti, esmu super tizls idiots, bet account ieiet nevau

    • Ričards

      Uzraksti man exsā vai skype pm, vakarā paskaidrošu, kas jādara.

    • Irbulis

      Manu acc banned par to, ka es uz touchscreen laptopa chinchompas ķēru, un atnāca denied, ķipa es biju botojis. Gf rs.

Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne

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