Tātad dabuju elite clue eju, eju un tiek līdz vietai: This scroll will work in the haunted woods. Orb scan range 11 paces.
Itka vis būtu ok, ieeju tip[dot]it apskatos tur rakstits iespejamas vietas tip:

  • South-east corner of the Haunted Woods (west from Port
  • On the small peninsula in the lake right next to the western
    entrance to Port Phasmatys
  • South-east of Mazchna, the slayer master.
  • South of the cow pen
  • Peninsula Southwest of the musician near the cow pen

Nu atkal itka sīkums, bet parbaudu visas un nav.. cray_mini2.gif Labi pārbaudu velreiz tikai kartigak, un atkal nav.
Varbūt kāds varētu mazliet precizāk pateikt tās vietas, jo vēl ir protams iespeja, ka es nepareiza vieta parbaudiju.
Paldies jau iepriekš.