Viss kas viegli nāk, tas tik pat viegli aiziet. To sapratu tad, kad manu pirmo RuneScape kontu nobanoja. Tagad visu sāku no jauna. Ar šo profilu spēlēju kopš 2014. gada Janvāra. Blogu pielabošu ik pa laikam.
- Iegūt MAX CAPE līdz 2016 gadam. MAX CAPE Sasniegts 2016. gada 4. Aprīlī.
- Iegūt Trimmed Completionist Cape aptuveni līdz 5 gadu apmetnim. - 3 gadi palikuši.
Total levels:
![]() |
![]() |
07.03.14 | 1645 | |
11.03.14 | 1686 | |
13.03.14 | 1706 | |
18.03.14 | 1767 | |
20.05.14 | 1908 | |
23.06.14 | 2040 | |
31.12.14 | 2349 | |
24.01.15 | 2371 | |
12.08.16 | 2734 |
Completionist Cape Requirements |
All skill levels at maximum (120 Dungeoneering and Invention as well as 99 in all other skills). |
All quests completed. |
All tasks completed. This includes completing several minigames (e.g. Dominion Tower,Temple Trekking, etc.) and several miniquests. |
All magic spells unlocked from Livid Farm. |
Bones To Peaches unlocked from the Mage Training Arena. |
Unlocked the Tune Bane Ore spell from a scroll in Ritual of the Mahjarrat. |
All Varrock Museum Kudos earned. This includes defeating the Queen Black Dragon once and completing several miniquests e.g. The Curse of Zaros miniquest to obtain the Ghostly Robes. |
Unlocked all Music tracks. This includes completing several miniquests (e.g. Rag and Bone Man wish list, Fur 'n' Seek wish list, all three Capers, etc.), defeating a champion in aChampion's Challenge, defeating Kal'Ger the Warmonger (requires 113 Dungeoneering), and playing several minigames once. |
Completed the Hopespear's Will miniquest. |
Defeat Tarn Razorlor and find his secrets (collect and read Tarn's diary) during or afterThe Lair of Tarn Razorlor. |
Completed Returning Clarence. |
Reached the end of the Stronghold of Player Safety. |
Hunted the Thalassus ten times after the Deadliest Catch quest. |
Claimed a reward from Claus the chef for doing him a favour after completing Carnillean Rising. |
Have scored at least 1,111 in a session of Big Chinchompa. |
Completed all of Doric and Boric tasks following What's Mine is Yours. |
Earned the Annihilator title by fighting all four nihil at once, during or after Fate of the Gods. |
Found all memoriam crystals on Freneskae. |
Unlocked the Enhanced yaktwee stick by catching 1,000 charm sprites. |
Constructed a Tuska mask. |
Completed either the Hyu-Ji, Quin, Eastern Curiosities, or Guardians of the World storyline from your Port. |
Found all the pieces of the Reefwalker's cape forgotten scroll. |
Completed the Mahjarrat Memories miniquest. |
Recovered all 13 chronicles of Bandos's Memories on Yu'biusk after The Mighty Fall (not including the one which is automatically unlocked when the book is received upon quest completion). |
Defeated every Soul Reaper boss at least once to earn the title the Reaper. This includesHar-Aken (completing the Fight Kiln), Queen Black Dragon and others. |
You must earn the title of the Amlodd (Speak to Lord Amlodd while enlightened by a light creature familiar). |
Earned the title of the Cadarn (Defeated 1,000 Cadarn rangers/magi). |
Earned the title of the Crwys (Grow an Elder tree and check its health). |
You must earn the title of the Hefin (Complete 200 laps of the Hefin Agility Course). While completing 200 laps, you will find all eight journal pages every 20 laps (completing the journal in 160 laps). |
Earned the title of the Iorwerth (Complete eight Dark Beast tasks assigned by Morvran, co-op assignments will count). |
You must earn the title of the Ithell (Create 100 Crystal flasks). |
You must earn the title of the Meilyr (Harvest 50 Harmony moss from Harmony Pillars). |
Earned the title of the Trahaearn (Mine 100 Corrupted ore). |
Found all sixteen of the memoriam crystals in Prifddinas. |
Claimed the Divination XP lamp in Prifddinas after Plague's End by collecting and cleansing fifteen each of truthful, blissful and manifest shadow cores for Lord Amlodd. |
Claimed the Farming XP lamp in Prifddinas by growing three spirit trees at once and then talk with the Spirit Tree in Prifddinas and Glouron after unlocking the growing ability from Glouron after Plague's End. |
Claimed the Magic XP lamp in Prifddinas after Plague's End by giving Lady Ithell magical crystal weaponry. |
Claimed the Melee XP lamp in Prifddinas after Plague's End by giving Lady Meilyr a super melee potion which is unlocked by finding the first Meilyr recipe in Daemonheim. |
Claimed the Slayer XP lamp in Prifddinas after Plague's End by clearing wave twenty on any difficulty in Rush of Blood for Morvran. |
Claimed the Smithing XP lamp in Prifddinas after Plague's End by smelting one hundredcorrupted ore for Lady Trahaearn. |
Fully built the Statue of Rhiannon in the Tower of Voices at least once. |
Earned the title Slayer Master from Morvran's Rush of Blood Challenge (Complete 20 waves on Platinum difficulty). |
Earned the title The Famous from Morvran's Slayer challenge to collect dark crystals from bosses. |
You must collect one of each impling for Daffyd in Prifddinas. |
You must unlock all of the combination potion recipes from Clan Meilyr in Prifddinas (includes all Dungeoneering-locked potions). |
You must complete all of Tiny Zemouregal's Achievements while in Dimension of Disaster'sNew Varrock. |
Gain all the Prawn Perks from your Aquarium. |
You must find all thirteen vampyre plushies in Morytania and return them to Lex in Canifis. |
Completed construction of the Myreque memorial and spoken to Veliaf. |
Purchase all blueprints in both Invention technology trees. |
Completed Impressing the Locals. |
Completed Flag Fall. |
Completed Head of the Family. |
Completed Spiritual Enlightenment. |
Completed Jed Hunter. |
Purchase all unlocks from the Waiko Reward Shop. |
Unlock the first tier of every upgrade in the Waiko Reward Shop. |
- Nosist Telos
- Har-Aken Boss Pet
- Golden Mining Suit
- -
- -
Laboja Mahjarrat, labots 57x
Lasītāju vērtējums:
(8 balsis)
+1 #108.03.2014. 12:09
Fresh acc, un jau tādi stats? Nice.
Kā trenēji Div? Visu laiku māc šaubas, ka zinu pārāk maz, tāpēc xp atalgojums arī ir niecīgs
Mahjarrat @ 08.03.2014. 12:25 atbildēja:
Jā Elvi. Acc ir pilnīgi jauns.
Divination no sākuma kačāju ar double exp, jo paņēmu no "Winter Wolves" eventa uz Divination kur bija 50k double exp. Un liku visas lampas virsū. Tagad jāsēž, nav izvēle. Tagad redzu labumu ar Divine Locations un porters un visi citi nemanāmie sīkumiņi.
+1 #208.03.2014. 12:51
Veiksmi! Par Divination runājot. Es arī sākumā domāju, ka nepārāk noderīgs, bet tagad pašam vēl nedaudz un tad jau jāsataisa pāris duči attuned item protection porteri un vēl bija otrs priekš PvM, aizmirsu kurš.
+1 #313.03.2014. 20:28
Vēlu veiksmi.
0 #420.05.2014. 04:47
Mazs Updeits ar skiliem un goaliem.
+1 #527.05.2014. 09:44
hard as fak, gl
0 #606.06.2014. 12:45
Esmu ieguvis Full Fisherman outfit. Tagad dodos uz 99 Prayer un quest cape.
Mahjarrat @ 01.01.2015. 02:24 atbildēja:
Atjaunināju. Nebiju ilgu laiku neko atjauninājis + maz spēlēju.
0 #724.01.2015. 14:21
Dabūts: Quest Cape; 99 Magic pēc ~1h,
Šonedēļ izdarītais: "Returning Clarence"; "Museum Kudos", "Doric and Boric Tasks", "HopeSpear's Will"
0 #824.01.2015. 15:09
@Mahjarrat Ja tas nav noslēpums, tad drīkst zināt kur tu kačāji range ?
Mahjarrat @ 24.01.2015. 18:58 atbildēja:
Slayer, pāris stundas vēl chinoju @ daggonoths un Abyss.
0 #912.08.2016. 17:02
0 #1013.08.2016. 19:13
kā invention trenēji?
Mahjarrat @ 14.08.2016. 11:46 atbildēja:
Airuts un pēc 99 izdarīju 20 crystal fish rods, turpinashu ar airuts.
Havamal @ 14.08.2016. 12:14 atbildēja:
@Mahjarrat laikam būs pašam ar jāpamēģina airuts,pats pagaidām trenēju invention tikai ar slayer,bet kaut kā diezgan lēni iet uz priekšu,ņemot vērā ka citas dienas vispār nesanāk uzspēlēt un dienā tam veltu vidēji 2h
0 #1113.08.2016. 21:04
tev ir 120 dungeoneering?
mailija @ 13.08.2016. 21:04 atbildēja:
Havamal @ 13.08.2016. 21:16 atbildēja:
bildē rāda 104
mailija @ 13.08.2016. 21:23 atbildēja:
kaut kas tur ir broken, hz kas, bet nu var redzēt
Mahjarrat @ 14.08.2016. 11:47 atbildēja:
Paldies, will fix.